
Choose your favourite adventure and get in touch. We are willing to design the experience that will fill your expectations. 

Diving expeditions

Diving in Puerto Pirámides is the perfect adventure for ocean lovers: it is characterized by its beautiful landscapes above and underwater. We invite you to choose your favorite adventure and discover the richness of marine biodiversity.

Whale safari

From June to December, Puerto Piramides turns into a whale´s home and you can become one of the luckiest people that can enjoy and register with your camera the underwater experience with these giant mammals.

Dive with Sea lions

A day of diving with sea lions in Puerto Pirámides means seeing them interacting on the shore, observing their pirouettes underwater and even sharing a safe and close encounter with them.

Private tours

We love designing special private tours that fill your adventurer expectations, there are several alternatives to submerge into invigorating experiences in the patagonian sea. 


+54 9  280 457-8779


Av. de las Ballenas s/n, Puerto Pirámide, Argentina 

Get in touch